The Bargain-Finder-inator 5000: One programmer's quest for a new flat

The Bargain-Finder-inator 5000: One programmer's quest for a new flat Or how I managed to get a reasonably priced apartment offer despite estate agencies I think every one of us had to go through the hell that's searching for a new place to live. The reasons may be of all kinds, starting with moving between jobs or random life events, ending with your landlord wanting to raise your rent for fixing his couch despite your 3 years of begging for him to do so. You can guess my reasoning from that totally not suspiciously specific example, one thing's for certain - many of us, not lucky enough to be on their own yet, have to go through that not very delightful experience. One major problem when scraping those online market websites, is that you're not the only one desperately doing so. And if it was only for the fellow lost souls who are trying to make ends meet, oh no - many real estate agencies say hello there as well. So when a very good offer finally comes up, one that ...